Create conditions for taking the exam online for fashion-related qualifications!

Create conditions for taking the exam online for fashion-related qualifications!

Create conditions for taking the exam online for fashion-related qualifications!

Hello, I’m Woo-mi, and I made an online application for a fashion certificate. I started my career as soon as I graduated from high school. I made a living by collecting clothes and selling them at wholesale shopping malls in Dongdaemun

Originally, I didn’t have a dream of becoming a designer. I was interested in pretty clothes, so I worked right away because it wasn’t convenient for me, but I wanted to expand my business and study professional fields because I had more time to spare

After thinking about various directions, I felt comfortable doing my job, so I didn’t have to worry about retirement age, but since I was still young, I wanted to tell various people about it, so I decided to get a license and get a job a little professionally.”

First of all, there were various fashion-related certificates, but there were two major areas as national technology with both credibility and stability expertise was noticed. – Fashion Design Industry Engineer – Fashion Merchandising Industry Engineer

Merchandising was often called MD. I only knew the concept of the word, but I didn’t know it was an abbreviation

So, I thought it would be efficient to get two things like this, but I didn’t just study for a license, but I had to meet the requirements to take the test. For industrial engineers – 2 years or more – 2 years or more – 41 points for credit bankingIt had to fall into one of the categoriesI didn’t know what I was selling in the shopping district because I had never stepped on the threshold of a university, so I only got 41 points left automatically, but I didn’t understand what this meant because it was my first time seeing itSo I found various contents and explained about this system, and there was an expert who made plans and helped me with everything from the design of learning to the process, so I decided to contact them and ask them right awayFirst of all, the school festival, which was listed on the fashion-related certificate, is an online education system organized by the Ministry of Education. You said that if you collect and accumulate credits in various ways, you can get a degree, get a license, or create a qualification for the national examIt’s going on in the country under the Lifelong Education Act, and it’s going to work equally wellTherefore, if you take an online class that is recognized for three points per subject and collect all 41 points, you can take the industrial engineer’s examination without any educational background or experience.I told you that if you are a high school graduate or higher, you can use all of them, so you can start right away.They say that there are no conditions such as taking the CSAT to go to collegeYou said that participation in attendance, assignment, examination, etc. is not difficult because it is designed to be fairly educated for people who didn’t have the opportunity to study for various reasonsWith this help, I started to score 41 points for the fashion-related certificate exam. I had to decide on my major first. Did you choose business administration?The reason for this was that it was recognized as a comprehensive field of production management and most of the production licenses could be challenged. Also, online classes had a maximum score of 24 points per semester and 42 points per yearSince it is conducted on a credit basis, there are many ways to get points, not a required period, so if you get other things at the same time, you can shorten the period. Also, you don’t have to get 41 points for each subject to take the testSo I’m going to do two kinds of online classes and licenses at the same timeAfter three and a half months in the first semester, I decided to apply for the exam onlineHakwoon’s class, which I used for 41 points required for fashion-related certificates, was all online, but it was held for 15 weeks.The video was uploaded for the subjects I applied for every week, so I should have watched it, but it would have been better if it had been within 14 days. I’m not listening to it in real timeI could listen to it anytime because I didn’t have an organized schedule, but for this reason, I think I can listen to it late after work or when I have time to spare.I was able to take classes not only on a computer but also on a mobile phone, so I was able to do enough while working at the same timeI honestly didn’t have to look at the assignments and exams, but I started it to get the test requirements, so my grades were not important, and the completion criteria were low enough to take the test. My mentor gave me know-how, so I could do it easilyThe license was recommended as an event with a high score and low level of difficulty, but they also sent me a collection of materials and I was able to refer to it. After studying for about a month, I was able to get it without difficultyIn this way, I was able to collect all 41 points in 15 weeks and apply for a fashion certificateHakwoon, you helped me a lot in my progress and I was able to take the course easily, but he let me know whenever I had a schedule.”Also, I was able to use it easily because they taught me various know-how and tips, and they took care of me in general, so I was able to secure a lot of time and concentrate on preparing for practical skills and writing.”I had to apply for certification after the score process, but the administrative procedures were a little complicated. Thanks to the detailed explanation and remote help, I thought MD was more important. I passed the test first last yearI think you’ll get good results with a little effort.I want you to make the test requirements online and succeedI think you’ll get good results with a little effort.I want you to make the test requirements online and succeedI think you’ll get good results with a little effort.I want you to make the test requirements online and succeedPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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